Welcome to my Haiku(-ish) Holiday party!

haiku advent waits
for seventeen syllables
and your arrival

Each day, from December 1 through Christmas Day, you will receive an email with a short reflection on themes like family, community, or generosity.

You know, all that stuff that the holidays are about. Supposedly.

You can expect

❄️ haiku poems ❄️

❄️ haiku embroidery ❄️

❄️ haiku photography ❄️

and other zero-calorie, high-joy treats.

For makers

Want to haiku along? Yes! Each email is also a little holiday potluck: bring your own dish and add your flavors to the theme of the day.

Or totally don't.

For new subscribers

You'll receive a holiday gift basket if you subscribe before December 1st: the ebooks that I compiled from the last two years of email advent calendars.

    I respect your privacy. And if stuff gets too joyful for you, just unsubscribe any time.