Guten Tag, Reader, Over in the Midlife Wilderness Expeditions, I wrote the participants a real honest email this week. I told them I feared they would shove the material I had taken days to create to the back of their junk drawers and that I might never see them again. I shared that in all my years as a coach and even more years as a sponsor in my 12-Step Program, I have lost most people at the stage they were entering in our adventure: The action stage. You see, the dreaming and scheming phases are fun and exciting. Because you can't really do that wrong. Nobody will judge for your wildest, most improbable goals as long as they remain on your vision board. I mean, your partner might wonder why you have images of the Danish National Soccer Team up there. Still, they might not be too worried until you take the first steps to learning Danish. Even the climbing-out-of-the-rubble phase (whether that's the remnants of an alcoholic relationship, a lost job, or a devastating diagnosis) is simple, as there is really only one way out of the abyss. But this phase, the action and commitment phase, is freaking people out. Because there is no guaranteed outcome.
Listen, I have made it clear that I am not the kind of coach who pushes clients to never stop setting and reaching goals for hustle's sake. In fact, as I am writing this, I realize that my clients start thriving when they stop chasing more for more's sake. And then… There are goals for soul's sake.These goals call you towards what is uniquely You: Your values, skills, and dreams, not towards some external measure of success. Guiding women toward their Soul Goals is one of mine. Seeing the look in their eyes or feeling the energy over the Zoom line when they are finally clear about theirs – that's my measure of success. And then… The stakes are so much higher for a Soul Goal.It's easy for the Mindset Bros on Instagram (OMG, why are there soooo many of them) to glorify failure as part of the hustle. They are not dealing with Soul Goals but capitalist culture's superficial bullshit goals over there. Soul Goals are tender, fragile, and deeply connected to the Self. It's not something one can imagine failing at. But you know what: The only way to fail with 100% certainty is to never get started. That is why taking action is urgent. Because it IS so scary. Let's get to work on your Soul Goal.
Please let's chat. You can reply to this email or book a free meet-the-coach call. I'd love to show you how to identify and move towards your unique, precious Soul Goal. We can still start this year. Oh, and if one of your Soul Goals is to go on a Women's River Retreat with me and Angie Stegall, we have exciting news to share soon. For now, I'm just going to drop this here: Reminder: The 2024 Email Advent Calendar is Coming UpAnd it might just help you reveal your Soul Goal. If you have received a previous email advent calendar, you don't have to do anything. If you aren't sure, let me know, and I will be happy to check and get you in. If you want in or share with a friend, please head this way: I will see you back here in two weeks. If you liked this letter, please forward it to a friend. Always on your side, truly, p.s. If you got something from today's letter, why not buy me a coffee? I am keeping my writing AI-free, so I put much work into it. You can leave me a tip here. p.p.s.: If you want more of me than a letter every other week, you might enjoy hanging out with me on social media: |
I am a recovering perfectionist, productivity chaser, and people pleaser, coaching women to disrupt old thought patterns, let go of behaviors that keep them stuck, and make their joy an everyday priority.
Notice what's happening in your body. How does your nervous system react to a coneflower shadow on snow? Guten Tag, Reader, Bitten ;tldr: Regulating your nervous system is an essential mental health skill. For a nervous system reset, join me and fellow Nature Therapy Guide Angie on the Rogue River in September. Okay, remember how I wrote about asking what we need last time? I want to tell you that the universe will always reward you for doing so. Alas, that’s not this week’s story. Or is it?...
I asked D for a dog-free walk, got what I needed, and didn't even know how much I needed it until I heard the birds singing from the snowy trees. Guten Tag, Reader, How often do you get what you want? How often do you ask for what you want? How often do you NOT ask for what you want? Don’t just read on. Actually, think about it. Then, do it again and replace the want with need. How often do you ask for what you need? How often do you not? And here is another question: How often do you know...
Even my tea had something to say about time. Guten Tag, Reader, It’s not often that I get as many reactions to a letter as the previous one. You hit reply, put money in my tip jar, and booked coaching sessions. Here are just a few of your responses: You motivated me to update a resource I haven't talked about in a long time. DO LESS. BE MORE. (Previously called How To Start Wasting Time and Be Less Productive). Download it here: do-less-be-more-sylke-laine.pdf To share with friends, please...